Our Values
NxN Datacenters is a digital infrastructure platform
NxN is a network of hyperconnected, sustainable datacenters with the highest availability guarantees.
Sustainability and NetZero design
Our Data centers are aligned with the ESG objectives of our clients, they are sustainable, energy efficient, without water consumption, we are committed to the use of clean energy and we embrace circular economy principles applied to IT infrastructure. We do our bit on the road to NetZero objectives.
AI - Ready: maximum efficiency and flexibility
Our infrastructure can be adapted to all needs and requirements, both in IT technologies, rack power densities, or cooling technologies, including Direct Liquid Coling or Immersion Cooling
Hyperconnected Digital Transformation
NxN network datacenters are carrier neutral, hyper-connected with access to major European long haul networks, and enable access to communications services, internet exchange points, and cloud on-ramps. Our ecosystem of communications and service providers exponentially drives our customers' digital transformation.
Service experts
Our goal is to help our customers achieve their goals, and optimize the growth of their IT infrastructure in the face of the challenges of digitalization. We are experts with extensive experience in mission-critical operations of IT infrastructure, covering the entire service operation cycle.